White & Bright For The Holidays

Dec 04,2024

Your Oral Health, Pre-Medications, and Joint Replacements

The holiday season is here, and you’re probably already thinking about all of the festive social engagements and photos that are bound to come with it. It is a great time to think about whitening your teeth so you are photo-ready and feeling as confident as ever. We are here to provide you with professional whitening products from the most trusted name in the business -Ultradent . Here are some of their professional tips on whitening:

A Quick, No-Needle Way to Improve Your Appearance

Did you know that some "studies show that whitening your teeth can make you look up to five years younger and 20% more attractive"? That's right! Enhance your holiday wardrobe and makeup with your brightest smile. Nothing compliments red—the most prominent color of the holidays than bright white. In fact, professional makeup artists recommend wearing red lipstick to really make white teeth stand-out.Combat Food and Beverage Stains Easily
Most people tend to consume more coffee, tea, or other hot beverages more than usual this time of year. Fight coffee and tea stains by whitening or performing regular touch-ups by whitening your teeth! Coffee isn’t the only enemy, though! Red wine, as well as cranberry sauce, tomato sauce, and other acidic and pigmented foods like cherries or berries, which are often consumed in abundance during the season also contribute to the yellowing of teeth. Again, another reason to pop in those whitening trays or visit us at 5 Brook Street for an in-office whitening treatment.

Gift Idea for Loved Ones!
Already whitening your own smile? Give the gift of a beautiful white smile to friends or family by stashing a gift certificate in a stocking or under the tree.

Out with the Old, and In with the New
What better way to erase years of tobacco staining, motivate yourself to stay committed to your new, healthy lifestyle, and give yourself a fresh start by whitening your teeth? How encouraging is that?

So there you have it. If you would like to whiten your teeth or pick up a set of trays to do yourself at home, please give us at call at (203) 655-0021 or stop by our office and we will happily help! We are all about helping our patients have happy, healthy smiles that give them the confidence to enjoy themselves - especially during the holidays!  Visit our website to learn more.